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& Joy Editions

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Later Editions:
Four Prints
of an Election

Plate I
Plate II
Plate III
Plate IV

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After Hogarth

Tim Bobbin:
Human Passions

James Gillray

The Golden Age
of the English

Books on
British Caricature

Books on
William Hogarth

Books on
James Gillray

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Jane Hogarth Editions


1764 - 1789

As an opinion generally prevails, that the genuine impressions of Hogarth's works are very bad, and the plates retouched ; Mrs. Hogarth is under the necessity of acquainting the public in general and the admirers of her deceased husband's works in particular, that it has been owing to a want of proper attention in the conducting this work for some years past, that the impressions in general have n ot done justice to the condition of the plates ; and she has requested some gentlemen most eminent in the art of engraving, to inspect the plates, who have given the following opionion :

.London, Jan. 21, 1783

We, whose names are underwritten, having carefully examined the copper-plates published by the late Mr. Hogarth, are fully convinced that they have not been retouched since his death.


N.B. All the original works are now properly and well printed, and to be had of Mrs. Hogarth, at her house at The Golden Head, in Leicester-Fields.

This is one of the most extraordinary testimonials ever laid before the public. Hogarth died in 1764. Since that time his plates have been injudiciously and unmercifully worked, so as to leave no means of ascertaining, through any observation or process of art, the exact period when they were last repaired. Notwithstanding this difficulty, in the year 1783, we find several engravers of eminence declaring their full conviction on the subject. All we can do is , to suppose their confidence was grounded on the veracity of Mrs. Hogarth. I believe the parties as to the fact ; and yet it was impossible for Messieurs B.W. and R. to be adequate judges of the truth to which they have set their names as witnesses.

Daily Advertiser, January 27, 1783






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